UNSW Private Law Moot
The UNSW Private Law Moot is a prestigious intervarsity mooting competition, bringing together some of the best mooters from Australia and around the world to compete at the University of New South Wales in Sydney.
Unlike any other mooting competition in Australia, the moot focuses specifically on private law and commercial topics. Competitors have the opportunity to demonstrate commerciality and a deep interest in private law. Previous problem questions have covered equity and trusts, corporations law and contracts.
The Grand Final ceremony of the 2024 UNSW Private Law Moot, featuring the grand finalists from the Australian National University, Justice Julie Ward, President of the New South Wales Court of Appeal, Professor John Page of UNSW’s School of Private and Commercial Law, and Darrell Kake, Partner at last year's sponsor, Longton Legal and other esteemed guests
2025 UNSW Private Law Moot
For the second time since 2019, the UNSW Private Law Moot will run in-person at UNSW’s Kensington Campus. This competition is in its’ 11th year of running. Universities can register for the competition here.
Key Dates
14 February 2025: Registration Opens
30 March 2025: Registration Closes + Equity Grants Due
17 April 2025: Problem Question Released
21 April 2025: Clarifications Due
15 May 2025: Written Submissions Due
23 May 2025: Competitors Welcome to Campus
24 May 2025: Preliminary Round 1
25 May 2025: Preliminary Round 2
26 May 2025: Quarter Finals & Semi Finals
27 May 2025: Grand Final and Awards Night
We are grateful for the support of Hart Publishing, a leading publisher of law books and resources, who are providing the winning team and best speakers with vouchers to be used on their prestigious catalogue.
They publish titles suitable for students, academics and practising lawyers which enhance the study and practice of law in all its aspects.
To find out more, or browse their available resources, you can go to their website here.
If you have any questions regarding registration, or about the UNSW Private Law Moot, please contact Arabella Tavares, Sienna Chan and Shannan Dower, the 2025 competition convenors, at privatelawmoot@unsw.edu.au.
2024 Results
We are delighted to announce the following results for the 2024 UNSW Private Law Moot:
2024 Moot Champions
Australian National University
Jake Fitzgerald, Rafael Priest, Bita Mahani and Sophie Quoyle
University of Sydney
Samantha Ho, Alice Shan, and Peter Taurian
Best Speaker Preliminary Rounds
Peter Taurian
University of Sydney
Best Speaker Grand Final
Bita Mahani
Australian National University
Best Appellant Written Submissions
University of Sydney
Samantha Ho, Alice Shan, and Peter Taurian
Best Respondent Written Submissions
Australian National University
Jake Fitzgerald, Rafael Priest, Bita Mahani and Sophie Quoyle
Spirit of the Moot Award
Jindal Global University
Ashwath Kumar Reddy, Arman Mulla, Boddhe Jaiin Nainutia and Ananya Chaudhary
The team from the Australian National University prevailed after an intensely mooted final held on 21 May 2024 before Justice Julie Ward, President of the New South Wales Court of Appeal, Professor John Page of UNSW’s School of Private and Commercial Law, and Darrell Kake, Partner at last year's sponsor, Longton Legal
We congratulate and thank all of the students who participated in the Moot for their dedication, hard work and passion for excellence.
We acknowledge and thank the many alumni, legal practitioners and UNSW Law & Justice academic staff who gave their time to judge moots.
2022 Grand Final Moot
Past Results
To see a list of past results, click here.