Academic Development Materials
The Academic Development Materials page is designed to serve as a centralised space for UNSW Law Students to access all of the academic resources created by the UNSW Law Society. On this page you will find our “skills workshops” series, videos to assist with “university life and study skills” as well as our core and elective course revision workshops. We hope that this webpage will improve student accessibility and engagement with these resources and enable students to use and view them at their own convenience. This page will be updated throughout the course of 2023 with more materials as they are created, so make sure you keep checking the page throughout the year for more resources created by talented members of our student community!
Skills Workshops
Statutory Interpretation
Join Isaac Dela Torre as he covers the core principles of statutory interpretation and provides an example of how to answer a statutory interpretation problem question.
Problem Question
In this workshop, Vanessa Luong will take you through the basics of responding to legal problem questions in law school as she covers MIRAT and IRAC structures, helps you identify legal issues and provides you with strategies to maximise your word count efficiency.
Case Note
Winjing Wang will take you through how to identify they key element of judgments required for a case note and some of the approaches you can take to write a case note critical essay.
Essay Writing
Join Ganesh Chandra for this comprehensive overview of how to write essays in law school in a workshop that is sure to make you reflect on your own writing styles and challenge you to develop your writing skills.
Legal Research
The Law Society is proud to re-release this Legal Research and Citation skills workshop from 2020 which was created in conjunction with the UNSW Law Journal. Join Veronica Sebesfi and Seung Chan Rhee as they take through some of the key databases you will use at Law School and some of the key citation skills you will need to learn from AGLC 4.
University Life and Study Skills
Final Exam Note Taking
Megan Jones takes you through how to condense your reading notes into final exam notes, how to write notes depending on if you are answering a problem question or essay and the differences between note-taking for timed exams compared to take home examinations.
Australian Guide to Legal Citation 4 - Quick Citation Guide
Core Course Revision Workshops
Our core course revision workshops from will be uploaded under this section.
LAWS1141 Principles of Public Law 2023 (Please note that students must log in with their UNSW zID to access this recording)
LAWS2383 Land Law 2020
If you have any issues accessing these workshops or any other queries, feel free to contact Emily at and the student development team at
Contact the STUDENT Development Directors
Do you have questions about any of the materials above or a suggestion as to how our Academic Development program can be improved? Feel free to contact