The Activities Portfolio runs a large variety of activities on a weekly basis to cater to a wide variety of people. Look out for our small-scale, on-campus social events, and follow us on social media for news of our large parties.

Stay tuned here and on our UNSW LawSoc Facebook page for event announcements.


Our Events Directors organise a diverse range of large-scale events to maintain a sense of community, identity and wellbeing within the Law Society. For more information, feel free to contact


Monday 5 Feb — Friday 9 Feb | 2024

Grab your LawSoc sticker, and find out how you can get involved with LawSoc at our stall, where you can talk to UNSW Law Society representatives.

UNSW Law Camp

Friday 1 March — Sunday 3 March | 2024

The greatest weekend in the life of a UNSW Law student: our annual orientation camp for first year students! The most accessible and enjoyable way to immerse yourself in the culture of our law school, learn what LawSoc has to offer and make friends that will last throughout your degree and beyond.

LawSoc Launch PartY

Thursday 14 March | 2024

Start the new year of Law School at the annual LawSoc Launch Party. Come along and catch up with old friends, meet some new ones, and boogie the night away with drinks on us.

LawSoc End of Year Party

TBC (T3)

Whether you are first year or final year, come join us to finish off the year with a bang! The long year is over so make sure you freshen up before exams. Catch up with old friends, make new ones and dance the night away with drinks on us.

JD/PG black tie ball

TBC (T3)

Attention all Juris Doctor/Post Graduate students! Join us for a night to dress up, eat, drink and dance to reward yourself for battling through another year of postgrad study.

unsw law ball

TBC (T3)


Our Socials Director is responsible for organising a variety of on-campus social events to keep you relaxed and motivated throughout the year. Keep your eyes peeled for weekly coffee catchups for discounted coffee or Arvo Drinks specials where you can come visit the Roundhouse after class for a drink on us!

For more information, feel free to contact



TBC (T1)



TBC (T2)

The UNSW Law Society will descend upon the city for our inaugural pub crawl. Dress up for the title of the best costume of the night and enjoy the itinerary lined up for you and your friends!


Looking to flex your First XI sporting skills, or simply want to develop some new ones in a fun and inclusive environment? LawSoc Social Sports is the place for you. Our Sports Director organises a variety of weekly sporting events that vary amongst the seasons.

Alternatively, gather a team and sign up for LawSoc social sports in the winter! The Sports Director also organises a dedicated Law Society team for the Sydney Running Festival.

For more information, feel free to contact


The Law Society band is a band made up entirely of UNSW law students. The Band performs at the Society’s large social events such as Law Ball, as well as at a showcase of their own; Lawlapalooza!

For more information, feel free to contact