International Careers

The International Portfolio aims to support all students who are interested in using their legal expertise in a career internationally by connecting with firms from across the globe and dedicates itself to explore and present career opportunities for the benefit of UNSW Law students.

If you have any questions, please contact


International Law Fair


The UNSW Law Society is proud to present the flagship law careers event for students interested in pursuing a global career in the legal sector. Come along to ask questions to firm representatives from some of the biggest firms internationally and find out about the different practising requirements.

International CV/ Resume Building Workshop

Monday 4 April | 7PM - 7:45PM

Everyone talks about how important CVs or resumes are... but are you unsure where to even begin with yours? Do you want to find out what employers in the legal industry expect out of your CV/resume? Or do you just want to know the basics of how your resume should look?

If any of this applies to you, come along to our Internationals CV/Resume Building Workshop!

We have invited a speaker who is a successful clerkship candidate to guide through how she made her own resume, and what legal industry employers expect from you. There will also be a Q&A session held at the end.