
Mooting is a fun, challenging and social law school experience in which two teams argue a hypothetical fact scenario before a court. Mooting competitions at UNSW provide an exciting opportunity for students to develop their advocacy, legal writing and legal research skills. These competitions are also an excellent opportunity for students to meet other members of their cohort.

By mooting, competitors are able to practice skills relevant to both their degrees and their future legal careers , including legal research, writing submissions and making oral submissions to a bench of highly experienced and knowledgeable judges. Competitors may also cover areas of law that they have not yet encountered in their formal studies, better equipping them for the subjects they will come across in future years. Mooting is also favorably regarded by potential employers and can provide a gateway to external representation at competitions across Australia and the world.

Internal Mooting Competitions

UNSW Law Society offers four internal mooting competitions. Three of these are based on competitor skill and degree level, and the fourth is a non-competitive competition that all students are encouraged to participate in. For competition documents (including rules and the handbook), please click here.

Beginners Mooting Competition

Offered to all students in their first year of law, including first year transfer students and JD students.

To be eligible to judge this competition, you must have competed in at least two rounds of any internal or external mooting competition and have completed Torts (LAWS1061/JURD7161).

For more information, feel free to contact

Intermediate Mooting Competition

Offered to all students in their second year of law, including transfer students and JD students.

To be eligible to judge this competition, you must have competed in at least two rounds of any internal or external mooting competition and have completed Crime and the Criminal Process (LAWS1021/JURD7121), Criminal Laws (LAWS1022/JURD7122) and Principles of Private Law (LAWS1150/JURD7150).

For more information, feel free to contact

Senior Mooting Competition

Offered to all students in their third year and above, including transfer students and JD students.

For more information, feel free to contact

Open Mooting program

This is a non-competitive moot program which allows students to engage with mooting for the first time or further develop their skills. Standard written submissions are not required, and mooters only speak for 10 minutes. This program is a great learning experience open to everyone!

For more information, feel free to contact

External Mooting Competitions

External Mooting competitions are a great way to develop your mooting skills in a team environment under the guidance of an experienced coach. Teams represent UNSW at various competition nationally and internationally. These competitions include:

In 2025, UNSW will be hosting the bilateral Gummow Equity Cup and the annual Private Law Moot.The UNSW Law and Justice Faculty also offers international mooting competition opportunities.

Applications open throughout the year for various competitions, so keep an eye out for updates in The Brief, on the Discussion Forum and here!For more information, feel free to contact